Davis Residents:
it is Time for the nine!

An Update on the City's Progress

In the wake of the brutal murder of George Floyd and countless other BIPOC at the hands of police officers, Davis residents flooded City Council meetings with hours of public comment asking Council to re-evaluate the role of police in our city and consider how to prevent harm.In response, the Davis City Council asked 3 city commissions, called the Temporary Joint Subcommittee (TJS), to identify and recommend community health and safety improvements that could be implemented in Davis. The TJS recommended nine common sense solutions that could be implemented to make Davis a safer place for everyone!
The Nine Recommendations:
Don't forget to send emails or make public comments to City Council directly to let them know you support these common sense solutions!
Click me! ^^^
Yolo DSA - Davis Public Safety Email Petition
Make your voice heard!
Davis Residents:
it is Time for the nine!

There are many ways you can help make these common sense policies a reality in Davis! It really takes a village! Thank you so much for your help!Click the buttons below to take action today!
For general instructions on how to email public comments to City Council or leave voicemail public comment, click the orange button above. Specific instructions for April 6th are forthcoming!
Davis Residents:
it is Time for the nine!

Click the image below that you'd like to use as your Facebook cover photo to download it!
Click here to learn more about each recommendation
Choose your favorite recommendation, or the cover photo that shows all 9!
Don't forget to copy and paste the accompanying caption! Or add your own words, stories, and reasons for wanting to see common sense reforms to policing and community safety in Davis!Click here to use our Facebook Photo Frame and copy the associated caption below
Click above image for the caption for the Facebook Profile Photo Frame!
Don't forget to send emails or make public comments to City Council directly to let them know you support these common sense solutions!
Click me! ^^^
Make your voice heard!
Recommendation #1
Eliminate racial disparities in stops, charges, and arrests by Davis PD

Facebook Cover Photo
Right click on the image and click "Save As" to download

Create your own caption or use our suggestion below
#TimeForTheNine #DavisNine
Over the last 5 years, Black Davis residents have been arrested at 5 times the rate of white Davis residents. Black and Hispanic people are stopped, searched, and arrested at rates disproportionate to their share of the Davis population and are given more charges at time of arrest. These rates are worse than national averages! We need a transparent investigation into why these disparities exist and a concrete action plan to address the causes. Davis should be a community where all feel welcome and safe!---
It’s #TimeForTheNine! Three commissions and hundreds of residents AGREE, Davis City Council needs to ADOPT and IMPLEMENT the 9 Recommendations for Reimagining Public Safety. We’re calling on our City Council Members to APPROVE an IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE of these solutions immediately. #DavisNineEveryone in our community deserves safety.
Learn more at http://davis-public-safety.carrd.co/
and https://www.facebook.com/groups/PeoplePowerDavis@gloriacityofdavis, @LucasForCityCouncil, @Carson4Council, @TeamWillArnold, @JoshChapman4CityCouncil2020---
Show your support by changing your Facebook profile picture frame and/or your cover photo!How to add a frame to your profile picture:
1. Copy the caption from this picture.
2. Go to www.tiny.cc/Davis9Frame to add the 'Time for the Nine' frame to your profile picture
3. Under “Description” or where it says “Say something about this photo,” paste the copied caption to your new profile picture!
4. Click “Use as Profile Picture” in the bottom right cornerHow to change your cover photo:
1. Go to https://davis9.carrd.co/ to download one of the Time for the Nine cover photos and copy the associated caption
2. On your profile, click “Edit Cover Photo” in the bottom right corner of your current cover photo.
3. Click “Upload Photo” and select the photo you downloaded.
4. Click and drag to reposition the photo so all text is visible.
5. Click “Save Changes”To add the captions to the frame or the cover photo (so others have the instructions!):
1. Click on your new profile picture or cover photo
2. Click “Edit” and paste the copied caption.
3. Tag your city council members using the accounts listed in the caption (delete the last letter of each person's tag so that FB suggests the person to tag. If successful, the tag will appear highlighted blue)
Recommendation #2
Enforce a restrained Use of Force Policy

Facebook Cover Photo
Right click on the image and click "Save As" to download

Create your own caption or use our suggestion below
#TimeForTheNine #DavisNine
While DPD has taken steps to meet the standards set out by the 8 Can’t Wait reforms on use of force policies, there is still plenty of room to elevate their practices. Having clearly defined policies on de-escalation usage and more restrictive guidelines for the use of deadly force will keep both officers and community members safer.---
It’s #TimeForTheNine! Three commissions and hundreds of residents AGREE, Davis City Council needs to ADOPT and IMPLEMENT the 9 Recommendations for Reimagining Public Safety. We’re calling on our City Council Members to APPROVE an IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE of these solutions immediately. #DavisNineEveryone in our community deserves safety.
Learn more at http://davis-public-safety.carrd.co/
and https://www.facebook.com/groups/PeoplePowerDavis@gloriacityofdavis, @LucasForCityCouncil, @Carson4Council, @TeamWillArnold, @JoshChapman4CityCouncil2020---
Show your support by changing your Facebook profile picture frame and/or your cover photo!How to add a frame to your profile picture:
1. Copy the caption from this picture.
2. Go to www.tiny.cc/Davis9Frame to add the 'Time for the Nine' frame to your profile picture
3. Under “Description” or where it says “Say something about this photo,” paste the copied caption to your new profile picture!
4. Click “Use as Profile Picture” in the bottom right cornerHow to change your cover photo:
1. Go to https://davis9.carrd.co/ to download one of the Time for the Nine cover photos and copy the associated caption
2. On your profile, click “Edit Cover Photo” in the bottom right corner of your current cover photo.
3. Click “Upload Photo” and select the photo you downloaded.
4. Click and drag to reposition the photo so all text is visible.
5. Click “Save Changes”To add the captions to the frame or the cover photo (so others have the instructions!):
1. Click on your new profile picture or cover photo
2. Click “Edit” and paste the copied caption.
3. Tag your city council members using the accounts listed in the caption (delete the last letter of each person's tag so that FB suggests the person to tag. If successful, the tag will appear highlighted blue)
Recommendation #3
Evaluate DPD crisis intervention, implicit bias, &
de-escalation training for real-world effectiveness

Facebook Cover Photo
Right click on the image and click "Save As" to download

Create your own caption or use our suggestion below
TimeForTheNine #DavisNine
Academic studies have shown mixed results in the effectiveness of implicit bias training and de-escalation techniques on police behavior. Davis is lucky to have world-renowned scholars in their backyard who can aid the City in evaluating current DPD training. Let’s invest in what works!---
It’s #TimeForTheNine! Three commissions and hundreds of residents AGREE, Davis City Council needs to ADOPT and IMPLEMENT the 9 Recommendations for Reimagining Public Safety. We’re calling on our City Council Members to APPROVE an IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE of these solutions immediately. #DavisNineEveryone in our community deserves safety.
Learn more at http://davis-public-safety.carrd.co/
and https://www.facebook.com/groups/PeoplePowerDavis@gloriacityofdavis, @LucasForCityCouncil, @Carson4Council, @TeamWillArnold, @JoshChapman4CityCouncil2020---
Show your support by changing your Facebook profile picture frame and/or your cover photo!How to add a frame to your profile picture:
1. Copy the caption from this picture.
2. Go to www.tiny.cc/Davis9Frame to add the 'Time for the Nine' frame to your profile picture
3. Under “Description” or where it says “Say something about this photo,” paste the copied caption to your new profile picture!
4. Click “Use as Profile Picture” in the bottom right cornerHow to change your cover photo:
1. Go to https://davis9.carrd.co/ to download one of the Time for the Nine cover photos and copy the associated caption
2. On your profile, click “Edit Cover Photo” in the bottom right corner of your current cover photo.
3. Click “Upload Photo” and select the photo you downloaded.
4. Click and drag to reposition the photo so all text is visible.
5. Click “Save Changes”To add the captions to the frame or the cover photo (so others have the instructions!):
1. Click on your new profile picture or cover photo
2. Click “Edit” and paste the copied caption.
3. Tag your city council members using the accounts listed in the caption (delete the last letter of each person's tag so that FB suggests the person to tag. If successful, the tag will appear highlighted blue)
Recommendation #4
Shift all non-violent service calls to unarmed personnel